Since we live in a time when there are a myriad of social and economic problems and, seemingly, a paucity of problem solvers, a group of men from all walks of life have formed to meet monthly and discuss ideas and strategies to promote conservative values in an effort to address these problems.
The CCC...
-operates without fanfare and does not seek notoriety or publicity.
-discusses a multitude of issues such as water, unions, taxes, politics and how best to survive and reverse the liberal/progressive/socialist agenda.
-supports the tea party but is not affiliated.
-supports the tea party but is not affiliated.
-supports the constitution and the fundamental belief that our nation was founded on Christian principles, but, like our nation's Founders, acknowledges the existence of other religions, as set forth by the First Amendment to our Constitution.
-smoking cigars is tolerated as a small protest to those who would take away our civil liberties. Also, we like them.
-not just an outlet to gripe (although whining is allowed) but a forum to discuss helpful ideas with a group of like-minded conservatives and generate solutions.
-Our focus, in descending order of importance, is local, State and national issues.
What we want to accomplish...
-By careful and tedious research, combined with thoughtful and time consuming editorial contributions, we aim to bring forward to this site conservative solutions to correct decades of complacency on the part of our citizenry and elected officials. The words of Thomas Jefferson ring true: "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent". Further, "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our Liberty".
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